Associate Professor of College of Marine Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences

Education and Appointments:

Sep. 2017-Jun. 2021, Ph.D in Geobiology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Sep. 2019-Jul. 2020,  Joint training Ph.D. program, Harvard University

Nov. 2018-May.2019, Joint training Ph.D. program, University of Birmingham

Sep. 2014-Jun. 2017, Master in Geology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Sep. 2010-Jun. 2014, B.Sc in Chemistry,China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Current Research Interest:


  1)The development and application of bacterial 3-OH-FAs based temperature and pH proxy in marine and lake environment.

  2)Evaluation and development of lipid biomarker temperature proxies in high temperature marine region.

  3)Biomarker isotope biogeochemistry, connected to the nitrogen resources and carbon cycle in the marine environment.

  4)Aeolian dust input to the marine environment and related biological processes.


Selected Publications (* author for correspondence):


    1. Yang, Yi, Bendle, A.J., Pancost, R.D., Yan, Y., Ruan X.Y., Warren, B. Lü, X.X., Li, X.J., Yao, Y.Y., Huang, X.Y., Yang, H., Xie, S.C. Leaf wax and Sr-Nd isotope evidence for high latitude dust input to the central South China Sea and its implication for fertilization. Geophysical Research Letters, 2021, 48, e2020GL091853.

    2. Yang, Yi, Canfa Wang, James A. Bendle, Zhongyuan Luo, Xinyue Dang, Jiantao Xue, Xing Xiang and Shucheng Xie. "Appraisal of paleoclimate indices based on bacterial 3-hydroxy fatty acids in 20 Chinese alkaline lakes."Organic Geochemistry, 2021: 104277.

    3. Yang, Yi, Canfa Wang, James A. Bendle, Xiaoguo Yu, Chao Gao, Xiaoxia Lü, Xiaoyan Ruan, Ruicheng Wang, and Shucheng Xie. A new sea surface temperature proxy based on bacterial 3-hydroxy fatty acids. Organic Geochemistry, 2020, 141: 103975.

    4. Yang, Yi, Xiaoyan Ruan, Chao Gao, Xiaoxia Lü, Huan Yang, Xuejie Li, Yongjian Yao, Ann Pearson, and Shucheng Xie. Assessing the applicability of the long-chain diol (LDI) temperature proxy in the high-temperature South China Sea. Organic Geochemistry, 2020, 144: 104017.

    5. Yang, Yi, Chao Gao, Xinyue Dang, Xiaoyan Ruan, Xiaoxia Lü, Shucheng Xie, Xuejie Li, Yongjian Yao, and Huan Yang*. Assessing hydroxylated isoprenoid GDGTs as a paleothermometer for the tropical South China Sea. Organic Geochemistry, 2018, 115: 156-165.

    6. Yang, Yi, Canfa Wang, Hongbin Zhang, Junhua Huang, and Shucheng Xie. Influence of extraction methods on the distribution pattern and concentration of fatty acids and hydroxy fatty acids in soil samples: acid digestion versus saponification. Geochemical Journal, 2016, 50: 439-443.

    7. Yang Yi, Hao Yuxin, Ruan Xiaoyan, Li Xuejie, Yao Yongjian, Yang Chupeng. Spatial distribution of fatty acids and inferred organisms in surface sediments of different water depths in the South China Sea, Journal of Earth Science 2018, 4027-4035.

    8. Wang, Canfa, James A. Bendle, Huan Yang, Yang Yi, Hardman, Alice, Yamoah, A., Thorpe, A., Mandel, I., Greene E. Sarah., Huang, Junhua, Xie, Shucheng. Global calibration of novel 3-hydroxy fatty acid based temperature and pH proxies. Geochimica Cosmochimia Acta 2021, In Press.

    9. Gao Chao, Yang Yi, Huan Yang, Yi Ge Zhang, Xiaoxia Lü, Hongmei Wang, Xiaoguo Yu, and Xiaoyan Ruan. Different temperature dependence of marine-derived brGDGT isomers in a sediment core from the Chukchi Sea shelf. Organic Geochemistry 2021, 152: 104169.

    10. Wang, Canfa, James A. Bendle, Hongbin Zhang, Yang Yi, Deng Liu, Junhua Huang, Jingwei Cui, and Shucheng Xie. Holocene temperature and hydrological changes reconstructed by bacterial 3-hydroxy fatty acids in a stalagmite from central China. Quaternary Science Reviews 2018, 192: 97-105.

    11. Wang, Canfa, James Bendle, Yang Yi, Huan Yang, Huiling Sun, Junhua Huang, and Shucheng Xie. Impacts of pH and temperature on soil bacterial 3-hydroxy fatty acids: Development of novel terrestrial proxies. Organic Geochemistry 2016, 94: 21-31.

    12. Gao Chao, Yu Xiaoguo,Yang Yi,Yang Huan,L Xiaoxia, Ruan Xiaoyan. Characteristics of lipid biomakers and their response to climate change in column sediments from Bering Sea Shelf. Journal of Earth Science 2018, 43, 4009-4017.